How to Relieve Stress How to relieve stress is becoming a major priority for people. Stress is the human body’s physical response to situations or events that are threatening or that cause one’s balance to be upset in one way or the other. This is a natural procedure of the body and is primarily designed […]
Colour Therapy is an amazingly powerful healing method for Aura Healing I use the amazing Swiss made (experts in colour spectrum healing) Bioptron technology to assist in cleansing, healing and revitalising the chakras and aura (energy field). Because I can psychically see an aura I can see a person’s aura become completely full with the […]
Holistic Therapies For Happiness, Relaxation and Better Health, PLUS Peace in Mind Body and Spirit Holistic Therapies are being embraced and integrated into our general health and wellbeing routine and plan. No longer are they considered ‘woo woo’, but rather now seen as an effective why to stay healthy, increase ablity to deal with challenges, […]
Powerful Pranic Healing Powerful Pranic Healing clears, heals and repairs your aura (energy field) and is a holistic approach to improving health in mind, body, spirit. When we feel better we deal better with life. ‘Prana’ is an Indian way of saying ‘energy’, ‘Chi’ is an Asian way of saying ‘energy’. What is Pranic Healing? […]
Holistic health – what is it? Holistic health is an approach to health that looks at the person as a whole entity and not as parts, as well as taking into account his or her environment. This approach looks at the three key elements that make up the person, namely the mind, body and spirit, […]
Holistic Body Healing the Easy Way Holistic Body Healing is an approach to body healing that takes into consideration the person as a whole being, as well as his or her environment. This approach seeks to look at the person in terms of their mind, body and spirit and recognises the connection between these three […]