Ascension: Creating the Fully Functioning Physical Body

December 28, 2024

Energy + Physical Regeneration Activation Process

Our Ascension journey is one that we are to address all four of our bodies:

🌟Spiritual / Energy Body 🌟Emotional Body 🌟Mental Body 🌟Physical Body

In this post I am creating a documented process of what I am doing to help my Physical Body to switch from trapped old paradigm energies to my New Earth free-flowing fully activated and optimally functioning physical body.

✨ When we’ve “done the work” taking care of all 4 bodies, we are then ready to address our physical body at the Gene, DNA, RNA, Mitochondria level for full activation.  Once this is completed we are then in a position to potentially take the journey to become living as our original Divine Blueprint.

To have reached this stage now we have been, on a daily basis, doing major detox, Light embodiment, Activations, Initiations over and over and over again.

😐 We now are at a point where living on Earth in this environment is so toxic that our bodies are finding it very difficult to deal with.

For me Gut issues have been a constant.  My list of foods I can’t eat gets longer.

MAST CELL ACTIVATION ISSUES have now become my focus to address (mild-medium level for me).  Gut inflammation due to deep anxiety, has now become Mast Cell functioning disruption.

💚 I have been looking for the most pure and clean natural product I can find to help my body with this, and then GLP1 Gut-Mind products have just now been released.  When the person is ready, what they need appears

I recently became connected to LifeVantage, whose products are super clean and pure, made from all natural ingredients and are focussed on detox and Cell Activation at the Gene, DNA and Mitochondria level.

I have been using Nrf1 & Nrf2 since June 2024, both Nrf2 tablet and shampoo + as a body wash, added in AXIO brain activation and been taking a gut pre-probiotic – so I have been doing the full body prep in cell readiness of now starting GLP1 + Enhancer.

💎 What I love about GLP1 is that it is a hormone that then activates GLP2 in the Gut.  This then enables direct communication between the Gut and Mind.  As we know, scientists have proves that the Gut and Mind communicate.  The Gut stores Anxiety, the Mind thinks Anxious Thoughts – the link is there on their relationship.

GLP1 will upgrade the communication between Gut and Mind, improving cellular functioning.

As an added benefit GLP1 also is said to be great for Insulin Resistance and regulates insulin, reducing cravings, balancing blood sugars and regulating your bowel AND EASY WEIGHT REDUCTION!

Well I need to loose weight as well!

🎉 So, my journey starts here!  if you’d like to follow my progress, I’d love to have you.
Please note – I am super tuned in to the Divine.  I follow my messages.  I dowse/muscle test and ask the Divine what I need and I accept that advice.  Everything I write here is my own opinion, my own choices.  You must take was resonates for you and leave the rest.  Seek your own professional medical advice as a priority.

Most recent post is first, if you want to read from the beginning scroll down to the end.

28 Dec ’24:  Today I received my first order of GLP1!  4 scoops of the powder and 2 Enhancer tablets.  The powder is very vanillery in taste, not chalky, and blends well into a smoothy.  Within 5 minutes my stomach felt very soothed.

ADDITIONS:   I was guided to take: 1 x Vitamin B multi,  2 x PMS hormone regulator.

🎊 Yesterday I had a breakthrough in my energy field and was guided to diffuse the essential oil Springfields LOVE, creating a loving nurturing care for self space in the room.

Weight:  70.9kg
BMI:  25.1
Exercise:  Harbourside Walk

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