Powerful Chakra Sound Toning

November 27, 2024

Sacred Toning Sounds for the Chakras

Root Chakra – O

Sacral Chakra – OO

Solar Plexus Chakra – AR     “I Am”, “I Am Present” The Sound of Empowerment

Heart Chakra – AA

Throat Chakra – EE

3rd Eye Chakra – OM

Crown Chakra – ING / HU

How to tone:

  1. Choose a time and place you will be undisturbed and won’t disturb others.
  2. Create a Sacred Space in that place – set an intention to connect with the highest lightest aspects of yourself, to let go of your thoughts, emotions, sensations and move into stillness, quiet and centeredness.  Sitting on a chair is fine – comfort is Self Love.
    There is nothing to do in this moment, nowhere to go – Just Being in your Self.
  3. Feel your own vibration, the sense that is You.  Accept it.
  4. Feel the space around you that is your energy field.  Feel your whole self inside and out.
  5. Begin to take deep belly breaths, so your diaphragm moves in and out.  Be comfortable, do it comfortably.
  6. Drop your attention out of your head and down into your belly.
  7. Keep breathing.  Keep it comfortable.
  8. When you are ready, take a breath and being to make the sounds listed below.
  9. As you tone the sound move your attention to that place on your body that the tone is for.
  10. As you breathe in, breathe in the sound, tone, vibration into that chakra, into that place on your body.
  11. Allow the vibration and tone sound to flow into your body and into your spine.
  12. Notice how your body feels, how the vibrations feel, the sensations created.  Allow thoughts and feelings to just pass through, and flag anything that needs your attention once you are finished.

Doing this daily will help you immensely.
This is a powerful form of meditation.

Breathe in and Love Your Self.

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