Why is Ascension Important?
Ascension is a process of learning who you truly are. Very important!
The Truth is: You are a Being of Light. You are a fractal spark part of the Light of God – hence the term “you are made in the image of the Light of God”.
When you have embodied into every cell in your physical body the radiance of the Christed Light, the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness, and are radiating this Light all around you, you have ascended into the Avatar 5th dimensional Lightbody as a Being of Light.
All of humanity are now at a choice point if they would like to ascend out of the current 3rd dimensional carbon based body, into the silicone crystalline radiant body. The knowledge, teachers, practices, techniques and the Will of the Light of God are now available making it accessible. The Company of Heaven of ArchAngels, Angels, Master Guides all of The Light (from 5th dimension and above) are here wanting to help us in our journey upwards! In prayer, please ask them! You MUST ask. They cannot help you without your asking and your permission to help you.