☀️ Our Sun plays a vital role in your Ascension It is super important in your daily meditations to open your Crown Chakra and energy channel and then connect to our own Sun. Then the Central Sun of Alcyone (in the star system of Pleiades) and then direct to the Centre of Divine Will and […]
Your Soul's Ascension 🌟 What is Ascension? Your Ascension of yourself, especially your energy body (also known as your aura, lightbody, spiritual body) happens when you have completed all the lessons, learnings, understandings, initiations and more and have graduated from your journey here on Earth in the Earth School Curriculum. Your soul has chosen [...]
Mother Earth and Her Amazing Healing Energy is helping our Ascension! Mother Earth is helping us to Ascend! *** Hello !! I’m hot on the trail here in Istanbul, and am so busy I’m finding it hard to squeeze in writing as I go. But don’t fret – it’s coming soon; I’m loving it, the […]
What happened to Buddha under the Bodhi Tree? Bodhi is the name of a famous tree. The Bodhi Tree. It is famous as the tree under which Buddha sat and meditated. After many years of striving to reach enlightenment Buddha determinedly decided to sit under this Bodhi tree and meditate continuously without stopping until he […]
Ascension of Mother Earth = We Ascend with her as She raises her energy frequency Things are getting exciting for me…Life is taking on an additional aspect to my Music Therapy, Sound Healing and Energetic Healing work. Since my epiphany in early 2008, which lead to a rapid conscious awareness expansion journey, I have also been […]
Raise your vibration by deciding to changing your mind, clearing your aura daily, and recoding your energy field How to raise your vibration? What is your vibration? Every person on this planet is vibrating at a very subtle hertz frequency rate or their personal vibration analysis. We have a base metabolic rate when at rest, […]